Saturday, 22 September 2007

We move to the seaside.

I drove this. At about forty miles an hour. All the way to Brighton. (The forty miles an hour bit was not by choice you understand. Oh no. If I could have sped like a speedy bullety thing, I certainly would have done. Oh yes I would.)

We put everything we own into one room. I did not like this bit. (Or the bit before if I am entirely honest with you.)

I was not the only one who did not like it. The Weird Cat was pretty unhappy too.

Coming soon: A Happy Ending.


Caroline said...

Oh honey ... moving is shitty, but at least you're there now.

Jude said...

I hope you (and the cat) are settling in happily. I love your dos and don'ts for teenagers. I am going to print a copy off and hang it on my bedroom mirror to assist me in my day-to-day dealings with eldest daughter.


Angela-la-la said...

Oooh, you're positively miles away now!

May your new home bring you love, luck and loveliness, darling xx

Miss Tickle said...

Caroline, it is true. We are here now, and it is ace. x

Jude, why thank you! Straight from the mouth of a bona fide 14 year old. Despite the 14 bit being *ahem* years ago.

Angie, thank you my love. I know, we are practically not in civilisationa ny longer. Next time you see me I may be wearing sack cloth. x

Julia Buckley said...

My gosh how exciting! Hope to follow you down there one day.

bedshaped said...

Good luck in your new home!
Moving isn't an easy task, so you've done really well so far. Now just the unpacking to do....

Michelle said...

Wow, congradulations! I'm so jealous :)

Stray said...

well, if you are, no doubt it will be organic, fair trade sack cloth :)

please will you drive a van just like that one ooop north for me and Badger when we move to the big hills?

you could paint a logo on the side "Tickle Transport" or something ...

Enjoy unpacking!
