Monday 15 January 2007

An Apology


Anonymous said...

Oh Miss Tickle, I'm not just saying this cuz you are my Blogger friend, but I think that is one of the funniest blog posts I have ever seen.

[you should embed the Youtube video into your site].

Miss Tickle said...

Mr Andre you are far too kind.

And suggestion duly taken. Merci beaucoup.

Random Reflections said...

That is very funny. Not that I am laughing at your personal pain you understand.

I hope you heal soon - and do try and steer clear of walls.

Miss Tickle said...

RR: Yes. Steering clear of walls. Yes. (Must repeat to self as walking around).

Anxious said...


I once broke my middle finger and had to have it in a splint, which meant that I spent my entire time inadvertently giving people the finger.

Miss Tickle said...

Anxious: That's brilliant, and sort of useful I would imagine. Mine's only useful if someone has asked me where something is.