Monday, 2 July 2007


I just had an interview.

(Another one.)

I am rubbish at interviews.

I am trying to work out whether this is because I am rubbish at interviews, or whether it is because in theatre the language most commonly spoken is Cock.

A language I do not speak.

"What is the nature of your responsibility to the audience?"
"What is your opinion of assisting?"
"If you don't get this position, what will you do?"
"What is a good director?"

I always come out of interviews feeling that all the words that fell from my mouth totalled precisely nothing. That there is a secret, hidden (to me) way of making yourself sound brilliant and inspiring and like you are the acest thing in the world.

I just don't know what it is.

And I prepared for this one. A lot.

It didn't make any difference.

I still ended up saying I wanted to do a play about lions.

And sounded about 5.

Or so.


(wanders off to find some biscuits)


fiona said...

I would love to see a play about lions. You've got my vote, lady.

Anonymous said...

Lions do sound good! Good luck as well, you may think you sounded pants but some times actually to the other person, you sounded rather good.

andre said...

I think you are the acest thing in the world.

{I do}

{but don't tell Mr Unreliable Witness}

{He will only cry}


Miss Tickle said...

Loveliest Fiona, of course you would. That is because you're ace.

Hello Ben, how lovely to see you here. Thank you. I think lions sound good too. They just didn't at the time. And being asked to justify a play about lions... good grief, aren't the lions enough?

Andre, thank you. I will not tell Mr Witness. I know how he gets about these things. xx

Angela-la-la said...

Won't the lions be quite difficult to cast?

Ms Melancholy said...

I think angela-la-la has a point. And please don't get Phil Collins to do the music, will you?

Miss Tickle said...

Phil Collins! Good grief. Never. Over my dead body. And all that stuff.

Ms M and Angie, do not fear for the lions, the imgaination knows no bounds you know... xxx