My brain.
I have been considering. And I have come to a conclusion.
I feel I should have further exploited the beach security alert for witty and whimsical blog purposes.
I have missed a trick.
It is rather reflective of my slightly woolly and non-creative current state of brain.
I can only apologise.
I assume it's because at some unconscious level my brain is in fact feverishly compiling Important and Detailed Lists of Things To Do Before We Move.
It could be happening right now.
And a bit like a computer with its RAM, I am running on about 3. (I do not know much about RAM, except that the puter hub so cleverly built has about 1,500 RAM, and when we are doing too much computery goodness, it drops and goes red and says "Three left! Only three!" And stuff.)
So. My RAM is low and this accunts for the poor quality of recent posts and indeed the trick that I missed.
In connected but slightly tangential news, hub is afraid that he is getting stupider.
(I have known this for some time but did not wish to upset him.)
On Monday night, being the groovy and rock 'n roll couple that we are, we did the test the nation IQ test.
Anyway. The point is, that his IQ had gone down by 23 points from when he last did the test the nation IQ test.
And a mighty 58 points from when he once did one on the interweb.
All of which has led him to conclude that being a maker of furniture is good for the brawn but bad for the brain.
When we move to Brighton we shall be rectifying this.
I do not yet know how.
But we shall begin by compiling a list of Possible Security Alerts Facing a Kentish Beach and take it from there!
Join in!
1) Suicide shrimps
2) A suspicious looking limpet
3) Marines
shifty looking sand
i have only just read this! However Kentish "beaches" have often been visited, so I apologuise if this list is a little long.
- proportion of "sand" to "grey mud" in which you get stuck when walking
- radioactive pollution
- Sandwich Bags masquerading as Bombs
- Iffy Smells (which could be nerve gas, but are most likely some crisping seaweed)
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