Friday, 14 September 2007

Dos and Don'ts

Dos and Don’ts For Parents (from a teenager’s point of view).

By Miss Tickle. Aged 13. (Truly.)

DON'T laugh at your child/teenager, no matter what they’ve said or done, if they’re trying to be serious.
DO give them a cuddle if they’re crying.
DO give them their freedom.
DON’T be too protective.
DON’T just say things like: "Don’t be stupid", "What a silly thing to say", "Why did I bother?"
DO let them spend up to half an hour on the phone.
DON’T nag, if you say it more than twice, they’ll get annoyed.
DO give them lifts.
DO take notice of what they say.
DO set out clear rules on almost everything, so as not to have too many arguments.
DON’T be insensitive.
DO try to get to know them.

(I think I might adopt this DO/DON’T attitude in my daily life. Especially with Hub: "DON’T answer “I don’t know, what do you want?” when I ask you what you’d like to eat, DO bring me tea in the morning." And so forth. Perhaps a list on the fridge.)

But really, it is all just quite boringly sensible.

Although I do not know what the yoof of today would say to being allowed up to half and hour on the phone.

Probably nothing, they would just go off and be interwebby.

I am also a little intrigued by what exactly I meant by “DON’T be insensitive”. I think it is excellent advice, but I do wish it were a little more specific.

And I know, obviously the time when your teenager is the most amusing is when they are trying to be serious, but really. Some of the things I loved got broken that way. And I do not mean that in a metaphorical sense.

PS. This is not, as I acknowledge that it might possibly seem, a damning indictment of my parents. They were hopeless and wonderful in equal measure, as I think most parents are.


Caroline said...

OOOOH you are clever. Thank you for this list. I am struggling with motherhood at the moment and seem to be spouting cliche after cliche ... I will pin your list to me at all times.

Miss Tickle said...

I was clever even when I was 13. Amazing. I bet you are an ace mum lovely. Ace.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Hee hee great list.
We're so sure of rules and stuff when we're young aren't we.

Michelle said...

Now that you mention it, I had almost forgotten just how important it was to be on the phine for hours when I was that age.

Hopefully I'll remember that when it comes time for paying a teenager's cell phone bill.

Ms Melancholy said...

A perfect didn't happen to know my parents, did you?

Anonymous said...

Thing is, if you replaced the word 'parents' with 'boyfriends', the list would be equally effective.

Except perhaps the 'clear rules' one, but even that works in its way.

You know who this is, I imagine.