Monday, 15 October 2007

Edition 2.

Miss Tickle successfully predicts environmental awareness. One light bulb for all!

And more delightful maths!

And chiefs!

I sincerely do not know what more, dear readers, you could desire.


Peach said...

totally ahead of your time! sell your plans to someone rich and green right away!

Jon said...

Your intellectual capabilities know no bounds and your mind arouses me.

Dragon's Den awaits me. Do you wish to accompany me on my voyage to conquer the world with your ideas? And I think we can up that fiver to a promising £6.23.

Miss Tickle said...

Peach, oh if only I knew someone rich and green!

John, why thank you. *blushes* I trust you to go forth into the den, with the figures we're talking, I might give up the day job!