Saturday 10 February 2007

The Power of Blogging

It really is almighty you know.

So thanks to the absolutely SPLENDID Little Red Boat, I have a much higher soap box from which to peddle my words.

It is here

The National Press would you believe!

I am so pleased I might burst.

(I will try not to.)


Ms Melancholy said...

How bloody exciting is that?! Have bought I am genuinely sorry and I am genuinely excited. Best of luck...

Miss Tickle said...

Thankyou Ms. M, a genuinely good sentence to have bought. I hope it stands you in good stead.

Angela-la-la said...

Excellent! I expect words to be flying out all weekend (and pounds to be flying in, of course)

Miss Tickle said...

It has slowed down! (I knew it)

The National Press is a fraud. I am going to continue to think in a clever way, as we still have £3000 to go.


(Not all the £1000 was raised by words...)

Angela-la-la said...

Grr. I will send any spare thoughts I have directly to you.

(Please don't rely on this in any way, my thoughts aren't plentiful by any means)

The Moon Topples said...

Ms. T: Can we Americans buy words as well? I'm interested in helping out (a former theatre man myself and all) but before I publicize you on my blog and buy some words myself I'd like to be sure I can guide folks appropriately.

I'll come back for your reply.

Miss Tickle said...

Hello Mr Moon Topples, how lovely to have you here.

You chaps over in America can buy words, and indeed some of you already have (Hello Americans! Thank you!)

To be publicized on your marvellous and beautifully updated (if I may say so) blog would be glorious. Thank you. x

FB: YOur thoughts are always greatly appreciated, as you know.