Tuesday 13 February 2007

Woe is me


It got worse.

My heart almost broke.

Last night I got a phone call from my producer who informed me that she thought it best to drop out as she was finding it difficult to manage her real-work workload and the one generated by this project.

I drank wine. A lot. And cried. A lot.

Then I put on my battle gear (metaphorical, easy tiger) and I have been battling all day.

We are being shameless! Shameless I say! Phoning everyone we have ever met and asking them if they are rich or if they know rich people or if they have any idea where rich people can be found.

We must find three thousand pounds by 5pm on Friday or these plays, these plays that I love, shall not happen.

I am thinking of Buffy a lot.


Anonymous said...

I too, am now thinking of buffy.

Be brave my magnificent warrior of woe.

Angela-la-la said...

"Come on, we fight monsters, this is what we do. They show up, they scare us, I beat them up, and they go away."

Keep channelling your inner Buffy.

Miss Tickle said...

Andre keep thinking of BUffy. She is ace.

FB: I am. It seems to mean I am a lot snippier than usual. And good with the quips. Quippier. HA.

fiona said...

Don't despair Miss Tickle! You are great and I will do what I can. Which isn't much but maybe many mini-Buffys will have one big ass-kicking effect.

Miss Tickle said...

Mini-Buffys. Brilliant. Fiona you are a gem.