Monday 23 April 2007

Things that have happened

Marriage went a bit wobbly. Is continuing in a wobbly sort of a way.

I stuffed 2000 envelopes.

I did not get a job. Another one. I am sad and depressed and frustrated. I want to know how I can get money. This would involve a job which allows me to wander off every now and then to do the theatre stuff, then wander back to earn the money stuff. (Ideas solicited and received with joyous abandon.)

Had IPL. Yes. Google that.

My sister was bitten by a seal and went into hospital to have operations on her hand to save its finger-y goodness. She works with seals. Which is why this isn't as strange as it otherwise could be.

The weird cat ate peas.

I checked my other sister's dissertation for grammatical errors. All 12,000 words of it.

I wrote a funding application and hated every single second and there is no way on earth or indeed in heaven that we will get it because the Arts Council are shit and so am I. (At applications.)

I didn't get another job.

Hub had all his hair cut off.

I am a misery guts. Grr.


Anxious said...

Oh dear
I think you need a cup of tea and a hot buttered crumpet. Amongst other things.

Could you get a part-time job? Or a series of short-term temporary jobs with breaks in between.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Anxious. Hot buttered crumpet is good for all ills. As is toast. As is vodka. No, not vodka. Forget I said that.

I shall say a prayer to a selection of pagan and non-pagan dieties tonight.

fiona said...

Dear Miss Tickle. It is a miserable moment. But only a moment. Better ones are coming. In the meantime, you either had Iran's Premier League, Internet Public Library, Intense Pulse Light or Integrated Poultry Limited. Any of which might make for a wonderful story.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear.

I have decided to become a graffiti artist! The plan is to do my doodles under the dead of night. Never tell anyone that I did them. Become a cult. Then sell my paintings for 10 grand a pop!

I will need an assistant - someone to hold the ladder and to look out for the police. I will pay you 10% of everything I earn. Plus I will buy you milky tea from uncouth tea wagons.

What ya reckon?


{don't let go - cling, Miss Tickle, cling}

Miss Tickle said...

Anx, crumpets! Of course! Why didn't I think of that! I will be eating them later with gusto and awaiting enlightenment.

UW, yes, any god will do. (Is there a reality TV show in that?)

Loveliest Fiona, you are wise and lovely and I wish it had been Integrated Poultry Limited for that sounds like japes a plenty would have followed.

Andre, yes! I would be the best secret ladder holder in the world!
You are ace. xx

Caroline said...

Hugs sweetie. Hope it's all ok.
Your sister and the seal made me giggle. I am nasty. Sorry x

Angela-la-la said...

There are a few people in this world that I wish never had to feel anything icky, ever. You, my love, are one of them.

You are strong though, for a little one. I will send you happy thoughts and a hundred hugs for you to use in times of ickiness.

Miss Tickle said...

Thanks Cas and FB. You are lovely.