Thursday, 31 May 2007

I meet my hero!

I know my posts have been a little excitable of late. But life has been a little excitable of late. So there.

A week ago the Young Vic announced their Autumn season. Opening it is a piece called Fragments - five short Beckett plays directed by Peter Brook.

Now I am sure that most of you (with some exceptions, hello Mr Witness!) have not heard of Peter Brook. And why should you? You have lives, and lives that do not entail obssessing about theatre. It must be marvellous.

I wrote my dissertation about him. And suffice to say I admire him enough to make him my password to Some Things.

Anyway. I saw the show coming up and I thought "How marvellous it would be to be the assistant of Peter Brook!" and in the next thought "I am too small to think of so mighty a thing" and off I went.

Two days ago I got an email from the Young Vic. Advertising for an assistant for Peter Brook!

I replied in no uncertain terms that I would happily donate my arm to the cause.

Yesterday, I got a phone call! And in it the person said "Can you meet Peter Brook today at 5.45 at this top secret location?"

"YES!" I yelled.

I met Peter Brook.

My hero.

I had 15 minutes.

He asked me why I love theatre.

I told him. In a sort of wittery excitable way.

He shook my hand warmly.

I have been touched by Peter Brook.

My hero.

I do not care if I get the job, I do not care!

PS. I don't know if you are aware, but I met Peter Brook!


Stray said...

oh oh oh oh oh!

You mean the Peter Brook who did The Mahabharata*?

Wow! Well, I know you clearly are very ambivalent about getting this job, but personally I will cross my fingers anyway and hope that you get it.

Very exciting! I'm assuming you didn't be-a-tit because if you had then you'd have surely told us. So, it must have gone well and I shall await the good news that you will be assisting him shortly.



*ps, it's possible that I had to use Wiki to find out who Peter Brook is because I'm not quite that educated about theatre. But I had heard of it. Honest.

Miss Tickle said...

Stray! I thought maybe you had because of your omnivorous nature, and was also entirely convinced by the vere clever usage of reference.

I did not be-a-tit, but I certainly did blather a bit. I suspect everyone else did too though. Which subtly increases my chances. Which is good.

(But also, I thought I might have heard by now. So who knows.)

Anonymous said...

Oh congrats!!! If my cousin didn't do drama i wouldn't have heard of him! don't know much about him but i know he's a major big deal in the theatre world so Well Done Miss T!!!

Really hope that you get it!!!looking forward to more theatre news! big hug and kiss!

Rachel xxx

Miss Tickle said...

Thank you Rachel. I'll let you know when I do. Currently refreshing my email/checking my hone roughly every two seconds.

Angela-la-la said...

I have it on good authority that Peter Brook blogged rather excitedly about meeting Miss Tickle.

*crossing fingers*