Friday, 31 August 2007

In which I get A SHINY TOY.

In the form of a MacBook.


I am excited!

But I do not know how to use it.

I will learn my very best, but I do not like not knowing all the shortcuts. It is a pain in the bottom.

So. I am in Birmingham, England, in the home of my parents. (I have come to do the training for my new yoof job; the company is based in the middle lands of the England). They are not here. (My parents. We are back-to-the-story.) They are in Scilly. The home of my parents is for sale.

It used to be my home, and it is the first time I have returned here since they put it up for sale.

I wept.

A lot.

On entering the house.

And in fact for the fifteen minutes prior to entering the house. And if I'm honest, the fifteen minutes afterwards too.

I may document it. With my new toys. (I also got a digital camera, a video camera and an ipod. Do not come and rob me. Please.) I will take photos and video footage of me in my house in which someone else will soon be coming to live.


Damn them.

PS. Woo! A MacBook! Pro!


Anonymous said...

You must be very rich and wealthy and well off. May I come visit you? If I do, will you give me expensive shiny things?

andre said...

oh god the house in Scilly is lovely. How much do they rent it out for? can you send me some details via email Miss Tickle.

I have been dreaming about living by the sea for quite a while now.

Hurrah for new shiny toy. You will love it. It is the best shiny gadget I have ever bought.

Miss Tickle said...

Oh Bohemienne! If only that were true! Sadlt these lovely shiny things are only mine for as long as I have the job, and then the company takes them back again. (I may keep the job forever.)

Mr Andre, expect an email. xx

Jo Beaufoix said...

Ooo new shiny things.
Very exciting.
And take photos of the house.
Then you can always talk, and laugh and remember.

Miss Tickle said...

Jo, I think I will take the photos when the rest of my family are in it. Otherwise it is a bit too lonely and sad... Poor house.