Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Miss T

You might have noticed, those of you who are kind and indeed committed enough to have returned here I hesitate to say repeatedly, but certainly more than twice, that I like tea.

I like tea a lot.

I consider a day in which under five cups of tea have been let us say enjoyed, to be an abject failure.

*takes a sip of tea* (fourth cup)

I sometimes consider that I should perhaps drink more water. Like those magazines and programmes and all tell you to do.

But, can I be frank?

It's not tea.

It's just not.

I worry about my hydration levels.

So I have some more tea.

Sometimes I wonder if I will turn into a cup of tea.

I think I would like it.


Cheerful One said...

I'm just about to have one now.

Ahhhhh.... :)

Miss Tickle said...

There is truly nothing better, Miss Cheerful, would you not agree? (Although a glass of red at the end of the day is a very close second...)

Jo Beaufoix said...

You cannot beat a cup of tea.
It is so comforting and enjoyable and understated.

Miss Tickle said...

Hello Jo, and welcome back. Tea is a marvel, I am glad you agree.

Elf Leader said...

Tea is the drink of the Gods, it's good for when you are happy, when you are sad, when you are hot & cold in fact there is never a time that is not a good time for a cuppa.

I have just finished my 5th mug of the day and I am now trying to work out if I can fit in another before I have to go to a meeting - I could take the tea to the meeting with me - problem solved.

Cheerful One said...

Speaking of a glass of red...how you read my mind, Miss T :)

Miss Tickle said...

Elf Leader, hello and welcome! You are problem-solving-tea-genius, I can tell already.

Cheerful One, I have this week not been having by customary glass of red of an evening due to leave the house at silly o'clock in the morning for this blooming temp job. It has been rubbish, let me tell you, rubbish.