Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Path #2

I have enrolled on a counselling course.

It is big news, I know. I would be surprised if any of you are still on your chairs.

This whole theatre thing you see, has been getting me down. I have done the theatrical career equivalent of falling down the back of the sofa. The thing is, I quite like it down here. It is warm and cosy and there are lots of other exciting lost things to play with.

I may have stretched the metaphor too far.

The point is that I don't know if I am happy with the way things are going. Career-wise.

I couldn't be happier about moving by the sea. That is ace.

But I think I might have to face up to the fact that I will never be Peter Hall. And more importantly, that I am not really sure I want to be Peter Hall. His plays are boring.

Anyway. So for a while now I have been thinking what else I might be able to do.

And I thought about being a therapist. This is partly to do with my overwhelming positive experience over the past year or so, but also it was that other path that I didn't take when I was 18.

Does anyone else have one of those?

When we were about 15 at school, they made us write a list of the jobs we would like to do (I think the idea was to help us choose which A levels to take) and mine said actress and psychologist.

And I find, some considerable years later, that I am still interested in it.

So I am going to do a counselling course alongside my new job with the yoof, and see how it and I rub along together.

See how my other path actually pans out.



Anonymous said...

ooh. perhaps even following similar routes of two paths simultaneously (if it is possible to split onesself in half...) may be of benefit?

good luck, and hope you enjoy listening!

Caroline said...

Speaking as a person who only recently faced up to doing what she always wanted to do, you go girlie! Sounds to me that you have direction and ambition.

I read this post and smiled.

Cheerful One said...

Counselling course sounds sort of perfect to go along with a job with the yoof, I reckon.

Following alternate paths is never a bad thing in my 'umble.

Miss Tickle said...

Miles Away, hello! How nice to see you here! I think I will try and be simultaneous about it. In a superwoman sort of a way. Without the tights and large gold belt.

Cas, you are a lovely. x

Cheerful One, I think it will inform the work with the yoof. I hope. Fingers crossed. (I am a bit nervous abou the yoof...)

Anonymous said...

Just settling down with a cup of green tea.

This is rather inspiring stuff. I wish you all the best, but I am sure it will be a great experience :)

29 years on in life I still haven't got a clue what I want to do with life. I think anybody who has got a clue deserves all the luck and good things they can get.

Miss Tickle said...

Ario, green tea is also lovely. It is tea after all. I have the 29 years too! I don't know if I really know, but I do know that I am curious, and that seems like a good starting point. x

Angela-la-la said...

Good for you, honey! By the time your training is done I'll be a proper florist and your clients can send you my artistically presented flowers as a thank you

Angie - always looking to network :)

Jo Beaufoix said...

Go for it Miss Tickle.

I'm also having a go at the dream I kind of walked away from for more sensible things.


Miss Tickle said...

Thank you Angie, and thank you Jo. x

PS. Angie, there is nowhere I would rather go for flowers.