Thursday, 6 September 2007

Miss Tickle is pottering

So I have done the Dos and Don'ts, but they are on the Mac. And I am having trouble transferring them onto the PC. And I have no internet on the Mac at the moment. So there they will have to stay until everything is less like my head is exploding.

We are moving.

Moving is rubbish.

And generates rubbish.

Loads of it.

Today I have cleared out everything in the world from my Important Cardboard Files.

It turns out (would you believe it) that there was nothing of any importance in there at all!


So I threw it all away!

(Recycled, obviously. I am a good Tickle.)

It was really rather liberating.

I think with no effort at all I could get a bit overexcited by throwing things away and end up with nothing at all.

I must remember not to do this.

I also spent an unnecessary and frankly slightly embarrassing amount of time this morning playing with my Shiny Toys and making a film of The Weird Cat. It is quite good, but does not really do justice to her weirdness.

What could?

Now I am drinking tea.

I realise this post is a bit vague and without purpose.

I do not care!



Angela-la-la said...

Moving is pants. Decluttering is tiring but very good therapy. Drinking tea is always good.

I want to see the film of weird cat!

Anonymous said...

a pottering post full of little snippets of potter - most wonderful.

definitely in aggreement with Angela-la-la there, a rather hot mug of tea always adds a shine to any occasion, be it grim, boring, strange, already wondrous or nerve-wracking. good luck!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE throwing things away, even if they may actually be useful at some distance point in the future. It's just so damned liberating.

Gorilla Bananas said...

The best way of recycling cardboard is to eat it. Are you ticklish, Miss Tickles?

Miss Tickle said...

Hello everybody!

Angie, I will be having tea. And lots of it. And moving is always rubbish isn't it?

Thank you dear miles away, you are most kind.

La fille mariee, hello! And isn't it? The husband keeps catching me though, and shouting "No!" which is sort of ruining my fun.

Gorilla Bananas, I shall remember that useful tip. And I am terribly ticklish. As one would expect.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm with Angela... where is the film of The Weird Cat?

Jo Beaufoix said...

Hee hee.

Vague but funny.

Hope the move goes well.


Miss Tickle said...

Bohemienne, the weird cat will be coming soon...

Thank you Jo. I think vague but funny is rather an accurate desription of me. I should adopt it as my blogger subtitle.