Sunday, 6 July 2008

Your invisible friend.

I lurve Google Reader. It is a brilliant invention which delivers all of your glorious words in one neat package, just ready and waiting for me to gobble them all up.

AND it gets through the school firewall, so I can sneak a peak even while I'm at work.


It does mean that my commenting rate, my ability to exchange thoughts and ideas, offer support, celebration or commiseration is somewhat reduced.

Which is annoying.

But I just want you to know that I am still reading.

And appreciating. 

Even if you can't always see me.



Angela-la-la said...

Aww. I love you too, darling lady.

I was sending you lovely thoughts today. Hope you've been ok xx

Anna Pickard said...

Well, thank you very much. In response, I would like to say the same thing, except I'm reading this on Google reader and therefore can't commen ... No! Wait!

Seriously, though, I think this is the first comment I've left in ages (that wasn't rooting in outrage, which can be *just about enough* to get me off my arse). I am now terrible too.

pierre l said...

The other thing about Google reader is that the your reading probably doesn't show up in the blog's statistics; hence the poor blogger wonders where her readers went.
So when my favourite blogs have been updated, I click on the blog title in Reader so that I am actually counted as having read the post; that way, I can also leave encouraging comments.
Although I haven't commented much recently, I do read all your posts Ms Tickle; I do hope your luck will improve soon.

Anna Pickard said...

I can't believe I said 'seriously though'.

Please kill me.

Caroline said...

And I am yours.


Miss Tickle said...

Angie, thank you. xxx

Anna, I shall kill you forthwith. Watch out on the mean streets of Brighton...

Pierre I, I can of course, do exactly as you suggest on Google Reader at home, just not at work, because of the mean school firewall. Which means I comment not half as often as I have something to say...

Lovely Caroline. Mwaaaaah. xx