Wednesday, 13 August 2008


I am going back to the flat tomorrow.

By invitation.

(Albeit slightly grudging invitation.)

But invitation nonetheless.

Which is good.

I do not know what the future will hold.

I do know that I am weeing in my knickers.

Through nerves, you understand.

*closes eyes tightly and crosses fingers*


Caroline said...

Thinking about you x

Peach said...

say no. that'll fox him.

XXYXX said...

Just for once, the Internet has disappointed me. In the hope of giving you the gift of eternal solace, I searched on "platitude generator", safe in the knowledge that someone with more time than sense would have coded some random generator that would offer up "a stitch in time saves nine" and "their are more fish in the sea".

But shockingly, it doesn't exist. I'm gutted. A gap in the market. And there's you, "high and dry". Bum

XXYXX said...

PS: Double Bum

pierre l said...

Hope it goes well.

Anonymous said...

Have a banana, that always helps me get out of tight squeezes like this one.

It is:
A useful boomerang
Healthy and nutritious
Useful for getting out of tight corners
A nice happy colour
Thoroughly crushable when fucking angry and attempting to avoid hurting real people

No wonder you were cross the other night. I would be livid, Wonder Woman style livid. In fact, I am sure there was something effective she did with her necklace and/or headband in such situations.

Of course, if you remained angry you may also choose to change your blog name to something darker and more vitriolic, like Miss Detrimental Demon or Miss Death and Destruction.

Angela-la-la said...

My fingers are crossed that things work out best for you, lovely.

(And I'm quite ridiculously nervous on your behalf, and then quite ridiculously resentful that a beloved and trusted person should bring on such a state of nervousness. Remember at all times that you are lovely and strong and funny and clever and interesting and worthy and you deserve the very best love in the world. So there.)

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear about this very hard time you're having! Hugs and good luck. I am sending happy thoughts your way.

fiona said...

Oh. Can I second what Angela-la-la said? that you are all those lovely things and shouldn't forget it? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Cheerful One said...

Oh Goodness: I send hopes.

Anonymous said...

Crossing fingers

Eloise said...
