Friday 25 May 2007

I am wearing new shoes!

They were £6! It is extraordinary. I am trying not to think of the poor people who made them being paid tuppence a week and beaten by large men and locked in tiny, cramped, dark rooms and being shouted at a lot.

I do not like them so much anymore.


BUT! Have I mentioned I have nice feet? They are by far and away my very favourite bit of myself (and along with my ears, the only bit I can really claim to like. Properly. Without thinking "Oh if only it were in some way less. Now did I start this in brackets? It seems I did. Best end it then.)

Anyway. None of this was the point. The point was that this morning when I was waiting for the bus I saw a woman whose toenail was literally four metres long. It was the big-toe nail on her left foot. It almost made her trip over as she clambered aboard the bus.

Why? Why would one grow a toe-nail of such length? I cannot think of any useful purpose.

Also. I love my hub. But he believes in cynicism and I think that is a pile of old balls. Soon, I might write more about this.

I sure know how to dangle a good cliff-hanger.


Anxious said...

You really should provide a photo of these shoes, you know. Otherwise, how are we to know if £6 was a good price or not?

Miss Tickle said...

Anx you are of course entirely correct. How remiss of me. Coming up.

Angela-la-la said...

Ooh, they're lovely! Much lovlier than an extraordinarily long toe nail (ick!)

Miss Tickle said...

Ang I am glad I have your approval, I do regard you as somewhat of an expert. I thought I saw you yesterday, walking down Shaftsbury Avenue, but was in a bit of a hurry, so couldn't investigate...

Michelle said...

How nice to really like one's feet! Myself, I do not have lovely feet. I try and think of them as being quite "functional," which, I guess, is really all they *have* to be...

fiona said...

Lovely shoes! And lovely feet! I suddenly find I - Miss FIona - NEED new shoes. Didn't even have to google it. Oh, and I too think cynicism is a pile of old balls

Miss Tickle said...

Meesha it is true, to have non-functional feet would be rubbish. Love your functional feet.

Loveliest Fiona why thank you! I can believe that you, Miss Fiona (lovely) need new shoes! Hoorah! Buy some! Hoorah!

Unknown said...

it's not just the shoes that are nice, by the looks of it...

Miss Tickle said...

Edvard you are a charmer... *blushes*