Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Flats, cats and bats. (There aren't really any bats. Which is a shame.)

I am boring myself with this whole flat business. Boring myself, and also sort of gnawing away at myself, like a child on an ice lolly.

Where I am both the ice lolly and the child. Just to keep my metaphors, like the flat hunting, complicated.


The thing is that every flat is just not quite as perfect as this flat. And I am trying to do all that beginner's mind shenanigans, but my mind is now so completely befuddled that it doesn't even know what's going on anymore, and is just stuck on the "worry" setting.

Is it better to have lots more space inside, but a garden that the cat can't get into (a lovely garden, but one which entails leaving by the front door to go round the side, a journey that maybe the cat would learn to enjoy being carried on?) or a smaller flat with direct access to a not-so-lovely garden, but one that is on the same road where we already live?

There are many and varied ramifications of one kind and another. Including, for example, the purchasing of freezers or the lack of requirement that a van be hired.

And always, always, there is another couple viewing the flat just after you looking perky and flush with holding deposits ready to be laid down the moment you are out of sight.

Big bottoms.

And poor Miss Tickle's brain.


Anonymous said...

Awww, how stressful. Such decisions are never easy.

I'd trip up the perky couples or place a furtive kipper in their handbag as they entered the flat. No one likes smelly tenants lol.

Just wish I lived closer, so I could help out moving some boxes and drinking wine afterwards.


Miss Tickle said...

Oh bless your lovely heart Miss Hullaballoo! And the kipper is a blooming good idea.. xx

Jude said...

A piece of advice from a woman who has shared her home with 5 cats (4 of them now deceased) - cats don't care whose garden it is or how accessible it is from the back door. If they want to go there they wil go. If they don't, no amount of steering them in the correct direction will do it.

Go for the flat that feels like home. And rugby tackle the perky couple to the floor in the race to sign the contracts. They deserve it.


Jon said...

Pu shellfish in the curtain rails of your dream home, then wait 3 months as the smell gets worse, no one can work out what it is, the price of the home plummets, you make an offer....you see where I'm going here.

Miss Tickle said...

Jon, now shellfish added to Hullaballoo's kipper. They are not going to know what hit them.

Jude you are right about cats. The problem is there is no back door, instead two front doors and a side passageway before you can get into the garden. Or windows and a bit of a drop...

"The flat that feels like home" is an ace way of looking at it. x