Tuesday, 15 July 2008


I struggle with anxiety.

It's just a thing, a thing I have tried in the past and try every day really, to deal with.

And most often, I manage it. And all is well.

But sometimes, I feel a bit overwhelmed. Sometimes, life seems a bit terrible and bleak and I don't believe in my own ability to get through the day.


Sometimes, it all gets a bit much.

And when it gets a bit much, I become a bit much.

Expressions of emotion become a bit, well, overdramatic. I state things in extremes. Because things feel extreme.

And this can make me a bit difficult to deal with. The extremity, the drama, the overwhelming feeling of it all.

I understand that at these times I can be difficult.

But it is also at these times that I need the most support, the most encouragement, the most positive feedback (and yes, I know, it would be much more useful if I were able to provide myself with with such things. And I am trying to head in that direction, really I am).

And sometimes, sometimes, the being difficult gets in the way of this.

And then things go topsy-turvy.

I'm just wondering how I can put them the right way round again.


Anonymous said...

Have you tried DBT? There are some good online support groups and info.

Particularly good for extremes. Speaking from very personal experiennce.

Miss Tickle said...

Hi welly, I haven't tried it and will have a look. Usually, as I say, I'm able to deal with it. But it's been a bit of a time of late...

Peach said...

i know you posted that on a tuesday but perhaps you're having a monday sort of suffering kinda time?

I find I am bi polar most of the time these days, not officially yet, just v up then v down.

actually not so up really, just down

boo to down!

and mondays!

and topsy turvy

bum eh? XXX

Anonymous said...

I am sorry it has been a bit of a time. I have been reading.

ps don't be put distracted by the labels that can go with dbt. It is very useful. For everyone I think. They should teach it in schools.

Anonymous said...

I thought I might leave you a cup of tea here too.

Miss Tickle said...

Peachy, sorry you're having a rubbish time, I can imagine it must be ups and downs with you at the moment. I'm with you on the boo to down movement. A march of perhaps? With placards?

Welly, thank you for my tea, it was just what I needed. I had a quick look this morning, and it did seem terribly sensible...

Michelle said...

I struggle with anxiety attacks, and I completely understand the kind of feelings you're describing.

I find that on days like you are describing, it helps to completely let myself off the hook for most everyhting--no errands, no chores, no washing dishes, etc.

Hope you are feeling better by the time you read this!

Stray said...

Lovely Miss T!

Oh, please may I fill this comment with positiveitynessification about how fab you are?

You even cheer me up when you are sad and anxious. Though in a slightly poignant empathic way, not a "ha ha ha Miss Tickle's fed up!" way.

Not sure about the DBT darling. All very sensible but human beings are relationshiping things and not computers. I like the duality aspect, but that's about it - the ability to hold the notion that yes, all human beings are completely and totally flawed and frankly not worth the oxygen we breathe ... and also all human beings are wonderful, unique and beautiful creatures. You are a human being ... do the math.

Relish the drama, if you can. Speaking as someone who just dissociates and becomes very efficient at functioning whilst quietly self-destructing, I think drama is GOOD. I am making a film about self-harm at the moment, and in a wonderful interview with one of the UK experts he stated that yes, self-harm is attention-seeking sometimes and that's a good thing because if you've got a problem then seeking attention is exactly what you should be doing. Drama is a less dysfunctional way of doing this than stubbing fags out on yourself :)

Having said this, I find dramatic people a bit overwhelming. On account of how bad things would have to be for me to do drama. Maybe this is why the other person who is finding it difficult to support a dramatic Miss Tickle is struggling? Maybe they don't realise that they can make a difference?

Big hugs, and sloppy kisses from Ruby,


Miss Tickle said...

I totally <3 you Stray. (I have learnt this symbols from the yoof. They know loads of Stuff.)

You are right and insightful about the difficulty the "other person" (! oh we are so sneaky with our code...) has in supporting a dramatic Miss Tickle, and also what you said about your own experience of dissociating and then quietly self-destructing strikes a chord.

Oh you are so clever Stray.

I like it.


Miss Tickle said...

Oh and Meesha! I was so busy showing off with my yoof symbol...

Meesha I am sorry to hear you also struggle with anxiety, it is a mean bedfellow. And yes, letting self off hook is very wise. I think the reason I'm finding it so hard right now is because I'm slap bang in the middle of a big project, which I can't delegate for or ANYTHING. But it will be over next week. And then I shall very much be nowhere at all in the vicinity of any hooks. Not even one.

Stray said...

I <3 you too Miss T.

Yes, the secret code is very effective ... ;)

Ms M will testify to the fact that I am frequently not very clever at all.

Don't forget that you have been through Big Stuff lately too. And hormones can make even the most reticent of us a little bit prone to drama.

I'm wondering what you think Weird Cat thinks about you being dramatic?
