Friday, 4 July 2008


I am lucky with my job. I have a certain amount of hours each week that I must work, but I can organise when I work them. No getting in late and meting disapproving glances for me. Lots of relaxed mornings.

It is good.

And since I am not exactly what you would call a morning person, this set up would seem to be ideal.

If it weren't for two things:

At some hour, unpredictable, but in the main between 3am and 6am, the weird cat gets up. This obviously involves scratching vigorously at my chest of drawers and the carpet, and then leaping with all the grace of a tiny elephant to land on my tummy. For it is breakfast time. Obviously.

Over the past few weeks we have been developing a technique known as "Secret Breakfast". This involves one of us bringing the cat to bed the night before and shutting the door, then the other putting her breakfast into her bowl ready for the morning and coughing loudly (it is a small flat).

Sometimes this works, and I can sleep, all the way through until 7am.

When the alarm goes off.

Hub leaves for work at half past eight, but has an extremely clever system which involves the alarm on his phone going off a gazillion years earlier, and then hitting snooze a gazillion times until he gets up a gazillion years later.


I feel like I haven't slept for weeks.

And I am no Margaret Thatcher. (In so many ways).

I need to develop a technique for him.

I think I will call it "Secret Mallet".

For the phone you understand.


Angela-la-la said...

I do that multiple snooze thing too, my poor Bing says it drives him crazy. Through his teeth.

Anonymous said...

Not getting enough sleep is truly the pits. Poor you.

How about a timed breakfast bowl for weird cat? It opens when you set it.

I hope you get your sleep back soon, honeybear.

I am back and blogging tonight, but may be a bit erratic over the next couple of weeks as I move.

Miss Tickle said...

Angie, I sympathise with Bing, I really really do. It was a foolish invention, the snooze button...

Lovely Hullaballoo, welcome back! We had considered one of those, we might have to save up for it ;) Will be thinking about you over the next few weeks.