The pity of it!
Our boiler is broken.
For some time it has been a little shall we say temperamental. Not the least of which eccentricities was a snapped off hot water thermostat, resulting in decidedly un-hot water.
In any case, on Sunday, it gave up the ghost. May it rest in peace.
Our landlord has been very good in arranging a plumber to come round and fix it. But not quite so good on the timings. The timings being two weeks' timings.
Two weeks with no hot water!
Now it is true, I am a little pre-menstrual. I will grant you that. I will grant anyone that. Probably with a great deal of sobbing "No, you're right, you're totally right.... *SNIFF*"
But the news of the lack of hot water has sent me into some kind of teary-melty-weepy puddlish lump.
All we have is a tiny sink.
A tiny and unfeasibly high sink. (I am, it is true, unfeasibly small. So it doesn't take an awful lot of height to make a sink unfeasible for me. If you know what I mean. And why shouldn't you? I have made it clear in a number of excellent sentences.)
And a kettle.
Anyway. I looked at tin baths on ebay.
It is a possibility.
Oh I am all of a nonsense!
Dear reader, oh!
And also,